Prop-a-ganda - Props, Wardrobe & Ideas 149 Osborne Ave Clayton Sth Vic 3169 Open Mon - Fri 10:30 - 15:30 Appointments Only Booking Form
Need props or wardrobe for a project you're working on?
Well we'd love to help you.
Come book a time to visit our warehouse & check out our stock. Or use the same form to ask a question.
We are located at 149 Osborne Ave Clayton Sth.
----------------------- 90% of our wardrobe is going into storage. We will still have our uniforms, so please feel free to enquire. ----------------------- Did you see that we have Props for sale? Click here to see what we have ----------------------- We're getting calls for Propagander in W.A Your disappointment makes us sad.. So here's their website to save you a phone call. Click Here for their website ----------------------- We are constantly upgrading our website with new photos and re-organising. Apologies if it is hard to find something. Please contact us if we can help point you in the right direction. Also some props may have lost parts or are damaged since the photo was taken,you can request an updated photo if you wish.